Rev Shirley Murphy
The thoughts, reflections, faith stories and meanderings of an
Anglican Priest
Welcome to Rev Shirley Murphy's Blog
Christian meditation app launches world's first robot Bible reader
High-tech virtual reality experience which takes visitors back to the the time of Noah's Ark...
Why am I proud to be an Indian?
Buddhist-Christian dialogue of life
Social justice and the need to engage
Door Step School in India
God speaks every language - Audio Bibles
WWII: an evacuee's story
Going back to my Roots !!!
Christians under threat in India
Lenten journey paves the way for future Bible studies
Pioneer Church Planter in India - A meet with Bishop Ezra Sargunam
My Calling to Ministry
What is distinctive about Ordained Ministry?
The Christian Priest Today - A book by Michael Ramsey which has influenced me a lot in my life.
Thinking about Ordination? Think Again !!!
God's teaching of "Love one another" has had the most influence in my life.