Rev Shirley Murphy
The thoughts, reflections, faith stories and meanderings of an
Anglican Priest
Cookie Policy
EU law now requires that we need a visitor's consent to accept certain types of cookies from this site. By using this website you agree that we can place cookies on your computer unless you change your browser settings. We believe there is no reason for any concern over any of the cookies used on our website; however certain users may have privacy concerns or consider some cookies to be intrusive. Below we outline what cookies we use and why.
What Are Cookies?
Cookies are tiny files that are downloaded to your computer to provide enhanced functionality and/or improved relevancy of information. For general information on cookies see www.aboutcookies.org or the Wikipedia article HTTP Cookies.
How We Use Cookies
We use cookies for a variety of reasons as detailed below. There are no industry standard options for disabling cookies without disabling the functionality and features they add to this site. It is recommended, therefore, that you leave on all cookies if you are not sure whether you need them or not, in case they are used to provide a service that you use.
The Cookies We Set
Google Analytics
This site uses Google Analytics which is one of the most widespread and trusted analytics products on the web for helping us to understand how you use the site and how we can improve. These cookies track things such as how long people spend on the site, the pages that they visit, how they got there and what they click on. For more information on Google Analytics cookies, see the official Google Analytics page.
Embedded content
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Because the detail of these cookies may change, we have listed some information and links about the respective third parties below. The actual cookies may also vary depending on whether or not you are logged into social media sites when browsing our website.
Facebook 'Like' Button: We use this to let people easily promote articles to their friends via Facebook.
View the Facebook Privacy Policy.
Twitter 'Tweet' Button: We use this to let people easily promote articles to their friends via Twitter.
View the Twitter Privacy Policy.
Google +1 Button: We use this to let people easily promote articles to their friends via the Google +1 service.
View the Google Privacy Policy.
Bing Maps: We provide a Bing Maps link on our ‘Contact’ page to show the location of Narberth. Bing Maps is part of the Microsoft suite.
View the Microsoft Privacy Policy
YouTube: Some of our articles contain embedded YouTube videos. YouTube is owned by Google.
View the Google Privacy Policy.
Controlling and Blocking Cookies
If you wish to block cookies from this website (or any other website), you can do so by modifying your browser settings. Your browser’s Help function will advise you on how to do this. If you would like more information, please visit www.aboutcookies.org.
Please be aware that if you use your browser settings to block all cookies, certain parts of our site and the other websites you visit may not function correctly.