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Humility Before the Mystery of Faith

Writer: RevShirleyMurphyRevShirleyMurphy

“I give you praise, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for although you have hidden these things from the wise and the learned you have revealed them to the childlike.” Luke 10:21b

So are you “wise and learned” or “childlike?” Which better describes your life? At first, that question may be hard to answer. If we didn’t know that Jesus elevated the quality of being childlike, we may be drawn to call ourselves wise and learned.

Of course there is nothing wrong with being wise or learned. The problem comes with what these qualities mean in the mind of Jesus. Jesus uses them to refer to those who think highly of themselves, are a bit pompous and are what you might call “know-it-all’s.”

The sad truth is that a “know-it-all” does not actually know it all. They actually fool only themselves. The ideal is to be like a child in that a child is open to learn in a humble way, at least most of the time. This childlike quality of humility and openness disposes us to receive the true wisdom from above.

Jesus gives praise to the Father for hiding the mysteries of faith from the wise and learned while revealing them to the childlike. This is especially important to reflect on as we enter into Advent. Advent is a time when we need childlike faith and openness to understand and penetrate the beautiful mysteries of the Incarnation. Without this humble openness we will never fully understand the wonderful gift of God this Christmas.

Reflect, today, upon the openness within your heart. Are you ready and willing to soak in the great mysteries of God who came to make His dwelling place with us and within us? Are you willing to embrace that childlike faith necessary to penetrate the great mysteries of our faith? If so, it will be a wonderful Advent and Christmas.

Lord, give us the simple and humble faith of a child. Help us to see you as you are and to allow your presence in our world to penetrate our lives. Jesus, we trust in You.


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